Who doesn’t get hungry the second they step foot outside the club? And unless you plan on just having streetmeat from a hotdog stand, why don’t you live a little and take a chance with one of these great late night options steps away from your favourite clubs in the GTA.
Burrito Boyz 218 Adelaide St W http://burritoboyz.ca/

Burrito Boyz 218 Adelaide St W
Poutini’s House Of Poutine 1112 Queen St W http://www.poutini.com/

Poutini’s House Of Poutine 1112 Queen St W
New Ho King 410 Spadina Ave http://newhoking.ca/

New Ho King 410 Spadina Ave
Wah Too Seafood Restaurant 58 Centre Ave (Near Dundas and University)

Wah Too Seafood Restaurant 58 Centre Ave
Fire Pit 6020 Hurontario St (Mississauga)

Fire Pit 6020 Hurontario St
Saigon Flower 1138 Queen St W www.saigonflowerrestaurant.ca

Saigon Flower 1138 Queen St W