I’m currently working at Muzik right now
Recent Gigs:
Recently was a bartending contestant on a nightclub reality show. Also worked an awesome private event at a movie studio where I met a few big directors and producers.
Why did you become a bartender?
Hard to even remember. I know watching tom cruise in cocktail had a big influence on that for sure. I’m also a night owl, so sleeping in and staying out late was perfect for me.

What made you want to work at the bar at which you are currently bartending?
Well Muzik has always been that big name club in Toronto and always had a very prestigious reputation. I’ve worked at many clubs downtown but working at Muzik was always a goal of mine.
What are some fun flavors you’re working with?
I’m very big on making very colourful and flavourful cocktails so I’m always experimenting with any new flavors I can find. You can always check out my new cocktails on my facebook page “the sober bartender” or instagram “thesoberbartender”
What are some unique spirits or ingredients you’re working with?
I have a really cool liquor I picked up in miami a while back called “vinoq” it’s a shimmering purple liqueur which can be used to make the coolest cocktails you’ve ever seen.
What do you feel is the next hot trend in mixology?
As a mixologist, we’re always trying to come up with new ways to give a great cocktail experience with flavor and presentation. Many mixologists are using whats called “molecular mixology” to make cocktails into solid spheres that you can drink. So i think that’s definitely a cool new trend.
Whats popular right now in the mixing glass or shaker for your customers?
My customers are always loving my layered martinis that give an amazing presentation with different colors and layers as well as flavors. Drinks such as the “nuclear rainbow” or “sleeping beauty martini”.

What are you dancing to while bartending?
Well since i have yet to here any clubs playing blink 182 or sum 41, I tend to jam a bit with drake and any other hip hop while i’m making drinks.
What are some quirks/quotes you are known for?
Well everyone knows me as the bartender that doesn’ drink (the sober bartender)
Whats the most memorable thing to happen to you at work?
Any of the crazy things that happened while i was behind the bar definitely came from time working at the brass rail. Pimp fights, stripper fights, celebrities. But my most memorable was when i worked at SET and one of my customers was my first tv crush ever the pink power ranger from the original show. Kimberly!
Whats your beer mantra?
Tip your bartender!

Bartender Of The Month is a new feature on Torontonightclub.com where we profile some of your favorite bartenders throughout southern ontario. If you know anyone that deserves some recognition, message us!