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8 Rules to Follow to Stay Safe on a Night Out Ladies

Dear Younger Ladies!!!! So I need to breakdown the “Friend Code” for some of you, because clearly there’s too many girls going missing or getting killed. This is how we “Old Schoolers” roll. •Code 1: ” We leave together… We stay together….We come back together. NO you not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO […]

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Nightclub with exotic animals opens July 1

Babylon, a new nightclub promising “exotic animals in cages,” opens its doors this weekend in Houston. The 6,000-square-foot club is located at 612 Hadley, the former site of Howl At the Moon. It opens Friday, and the weekend’s festivities will include a live zebra and camel. (Apologies to whoever is doing the cleanup.) It’s owned […]

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One death, numerous people taken to hospital at Escapade festival

One person attending the Escapade Music Festival over the weekend died and others were taken to hospital. In total, paramedics transported 16 festival-goers to hospital, including four in critical condition, according to Marc-Antoine Deschamps, superintendent of public information with the Ottawa Paramedic Service. Some of those taken to hospital were suffering from suspected overdoses. Others […]

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Pickpocket Thefts on the Rise in Toronto Nightclubs

Toronto police say officers are seeing a recent increase in pickpocket thefts at nightclubs in the entertainment district. Investigators have received multiple reports from victims of stolen items, including wallets and cellphones. It’s believed that thieves are targeting people socializing and dancing at nightclubs. In these incidents, police say items are taken from unattended purses […]

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This Secret Club On King St Is Worth Looking For

By: Prisha Dev Whether it’s for boozy drinks, great dining or to experience some enticing nightlife, King st west is the place for a good time.  This street in downtown Toronto makes way for many of the best places to eat and club in the city. Some of which are secret and hidden from the […]

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